
Passion and Talent

깡냉쓰 2023. 11. 10. 21:14


  • intersect : 교차하다.
    • Their interests intersected, leading to fruitful collaboration.
  • the best of both worlds : 최상의 상황
    • Working from home allows me to have the best of both words. I can spend time with my family and build my career.
  • intertwine : 뒤엉키다
  • lucaraive : 수익성이 좋은, 이익이 있는
    • I have a lucrative job that allows me to travel around the world
  • down the line : 향후에, 나중에
    • We might face some challenges down the line, but we will overcome them together.
  • passionate : 정열적인
    • He is a passionate person
  • alongside: 나란히
    • They were walking
  • qualities : 자질
    • While some qualities can lead to successful careers, other talents and interests may not be quite so practical.
  • lies in : 에있다.
    • Perhaps they're good at it, but their true passion lies in the arts.
  • pursue : 추구하다.
  • likey : 아마
  • opt : 선택하다, 고르다
    • Pursuing a major in computer science will likely afford them more job opportunities, but they ultimately might opt to pursue a major in computing and the arts, which seems the best of both worlds.
  • well-rounded individual : 다재다능한 사람
    • Finding a balance between what we're passionate about and the things we're good at in life is a key aspect of becoming a well-rounded individual. 중요한 요소
  • fulfillment : 이행, 성취, 달성 (성취감)
    • One provides practical skilles, while the other brings fulfillment.
  • hard work : 고난 혹은 노력?
    • With dedication and hard work, both passion and skill can develop and intertwine.
  • even if : ~라 할지라도
  • someday down the line : 언젠가 나중에
    • Even if there isn't guarantee that passions become lucrative careers someday down the line, anything is possible
  • temptation : 유혹
  • from time to time : 간혹, 가끔
  • intensely : 집중해서? 열심히?


What are some things that you're both passionate about and good at?
I think something that I'm both passionate about and good at is programming. My major is computer science. When I frist got to university, programming was a challenge for me, so it was difficult for me to enojoy it. But in the second year, I decided to study intensely. The more I knew, I naturally became passionate and found myself interested.

What part of the reading resonated with you most?
To me, the phase "finding a balance" is impactful. In life, we feel compelled to pursue a career in our passion. For me, a problem is practicality. According to the article, I think a good strategy is attempting to find an appealing balance between passion and practicality.

Did you like the reading? Why?
I don't like reading in general, but from time to time I read book for my job because they give me knowledge so I can work effectively

A book = it
books = they
I read a book, and I really liked it.
I read science books because they teach me a lot.
